This is the Tiny Asparagus TV Show's tiny merch page! Offical merchandise of Tiny Asparagus and Munch-Bot! Shop for dope limited edition collections! Live everyday except for Wednesdays on twitch.tv/tinyasparagus 

Thank you for your support!

Thank you so much for your support. Leave a message with your donation and I'll try to reply!

Become a member

super cool membership!

super cool membership!

$10.00 per month

get really cool perks and help support me as a streamer! custom fun tiny videos!! (also discounts on merch!)
super MEGA cool membership!

super MEGA cool membership!

$60.00 per month

same as cool membership BUT get access to get super cute custom letters and mini gifts*! (must be able to send me mailing address) (depending on the size of package: if larger would be bi-monthly!)